Sweet Fenway, you were our best friend for 13 years. You were the first pet we got together as a family. You loved us all so unconditionally. Even though losing you has been so hard, we would do it all over again. We’re going to miss you banging your collar tags on the door to let us know you’re ready to come inside. When you started doing that it made us laugh.
Thank you for your unconditional love for 13 years.
Thank you for always being there if we were sad or sick.
Thank you for loving the neighbors and anyone who came to visit. You were always so happy and friendly, and loved by so many.
Thank you for greeting us every day with your happy booty shake & tail wagging. We are going to miss that the most. It always made us smile to see you so happy when we got home.
Thank you for sleeping at our feet or in between us for years. When dad said it was bedtime you were ready, and would go jump in the bed. It made us sad when you couldn’t get up in the bed anymore.
Thank you for the way you would look at us and wag your tail to let us know that you wanted something.
Thank you for never wanting to be alone and always wanting to be where one of us was.
Thank you for the best 13 years Fenway, aka “Fenny”. You are missed so much and will always be in our hearts.